About Us

About Us

We are a group of people who are committed to following Christ as He instructs from the New Testament. We have been saved from our sins and have been added to His body, the church Acts 2:47; Eph. 1:22-23). Our goals are to teach the good news of Jesus to the world around us, to nurture each Christian in the church to full growth in Christ, and to provide benevolent help to saints in need.

We believe one can open the pages of the New Testament and read about the church the Lord promised to build(Mt 16:18) and, in fact, did build. That church is alive today. The Christians here belong to that universal body, and make up the local congregation in West Knoxville. We are not connected to any human board or convention. We answer only to Christ, our Head. We wear no denominational name. We are simply Christians.

The West Knoxville church of Christ is a non-institutional local church of the Lord's people. We oppose the support of human institutions from the Lord's treasury, such as missionary societies, orphan homes, etc. While not opposed to helping the destitute as individuals or preaching the gospel, we believe the support of such humanly-devised organizations from the Lord's treasury contradicts New Testament authority for how the work of the local church is accomplished. We also oppose the sponsoring church arrangement found among many churches of Christ. We believe this arrangement destroys a local church's autonomy. If you have any questions or need more information about us, please email us. We welcome any questions about us or the Bible and are ready to answer any questions that you have(1 Pet. 3:15).